An important component of your customer reference program is executive support. Whether you are just getting started or already have a program, having an executive sponsor is a must have for your program. Every now and then there's the executive who understands the value of reference programs and gives you the support you need including headcount, budget and internal support. Here are some tips to help you find and work with your executive sponsor.
First, secure your executive sponsor. There is a difference between your manager who supports your program and an executive sponsor with the political power you need to help your program truly be successful. To start with identify the executive you would like to support your program. Typically it's an executive in sales or marketing but it can be anyone whom 'gets it'. Next make an appointment with them to talk to them about what you need for your customer reference program. Don't forget to involve your manager in the strategizing on who to target and definitely include them in the appointment! Present to the executive your vision or your reference program with a few details and then ask the executive if they are willing to be your executive sponsor. Once they say yes, include them in your customer reference plan. Once you've developed your plan and list them as the executive sponsor, you are much more likely to get the inter-departmental support you need to help your program. If the executive says no, find out what it would take to get them to sponsor you. They might just want you to develop your strategic vision more or something simple.
Second, there are many ways to get help from your executive sponsor. They can help you get the cooperation you need internally. It's much more effective to build the relationships you need across the company with their endorsement that trying to do it on your own as a maverick on a mission. They can also help you with headcount and budget as they will have the power to get these things for you.
Third make sure to keep them in the loop. Always keep them updated on how the program is developing. One easy way to do this is have a Powerpoint slide that lists your target metrics (number of references, success stories, videos etc) and how you are doing against them. Be sure to also include any big successes you've accomplished in your program such as new sales tools you've developed, press coverage etc.
Your executive sponsor is your advocate and influencer. If you find the right one, they will be selling your program for you whenever they get the opportunity. One warning is that the support usually wears off after a while. It's normal that they will move on to other priorities and passions so once you have support act quickly and take advantage of the timing. If they really back on their support after a while, considering finding another executive sponsor.