Before you start your reference program, you need to do some research. First, you need to research your own company. You need to know things about your company including company history, the products/solutions, executives etc. When you talk to the customers you are representing the company and need to represent well. Sometimes in conversation with customers they will ask a question, bring up a concern, etc. Be ready so you can help them out as much as possible or get the customer to the right contact at your company.
Second, you need to know your customers. You need to know who the main contact is at the company. Will you be working with the IT Admin, Database Administrator, Chief Marketing Officer etc? Know who your customers are including the industries they work in, the type of business challenges they face and how your solutions help them overcome these challenges. There is a lot more information you can research about your customers including what products they bought, survey responses they have provided, if they left the publicity clause in their contract with you, etc.
Finally, you should research your company and marketing objectives. You need to align your reference program with these objectives. Here's an example. If you know that your marketing department has a marketing campaign in January focused around virtualization, keep in mind that you'll probably need some references to support that campaign. Or if your company has an initiative around energy savings then you'll need to keep your ears open for customers who have had success in this area. Being aware of these initiatives and being proactive can help you stay ahead of requests and your life will be a lot less stressful.