Monday, July 26, 2010

Analysts Join Customer Reference Discussion

One of the changes I've seen over the past five years in the reference program world is seeing more analysts talk about reference programs. I have seen analysts such as Gartner and Forrester share insights, research, attend reference conferences, etc. In fact Gartner is having a webinar on August 3 titled "How to Manage a Successful Customer Reference Program."

Other analysts to follow who talk about reference programs include:
  • Richard Fouts
  • Laura Ramos (Note - I'm not sure that Laura is working on this anymore as I haven't seen new blogs from her for a few months)

In the past six months we've even seen papers published by the analysts which is a sign of more awareness of the value of customer reference programs. Laura Ramos at Forrester published a paper called "Deepen B2B Tech Customer Engagement With Community Marketing". And Gartner put out a press release titled "Gartner Highlights Three-Step Process for Technology Marketers to Create Comprehensive Customer Reference Program" and more is covered in the paper "Marketing Essentials: How to Manage a Customer Reference Program".

Going forward, I think we'll continue to see more from analysts on customer reference programs as more companies realize the strategic value of a reference program on a their success (and bottom line!).